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TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to Certify that M/s. M. R. Enterprise, Proprietor S. M. Alam , 11/7/D- Mirbagh, Moghbazar, Dhaka-1217, maintains a current account bearing No. 001003517. The present balance of the account is Tk. 19,99,910.00 (Nineteen Lac Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ten) only is today. A statement of account is enclosed here with. To the best of our knowledge they are financially solvent. This certificate has been issued of the request of S. M. Alam without any engagement on the part of Janata Bank or any its employee. We wish them every success in life.

Arbitration case

Introducing 3

Date: 1st March, 2011   To: Mr. Debabrata Adhikari Dy. Gen.Mgr. (Marketing)  Mechanical East Bridge And Roof Co. (India) Ltd.  Kankaria Centre (5th Floor) 2/1, Russel Street Kolkata - 700 071.  Sub : Local agency. Dear Sir,  We would like to introduce ourselves as a civil contractor in Bangladesh and are involved in many small civil projects in Bangladesh. Our clients are Dhaka City Corporation, Public Health Engineering (PHE) and Department of Water Supply. We have good connection in various Government departments in Bangladesh particularly in the civil section of the concerned department. We understand that you are a reputed Government of India Enterprise having exposures in civil and mechanical jobs. There are many jobs coming in the near future in the field of civil construction in Bangladesh and we would like to represent you as your local agent in Bangladesh where you have to bid the tenders in your name.  We request you to kindly inform us...

Authorization to collect Bid Bond 3

Date: Sept’ 28, 2017 Ref: ATT/BREB/Bid Bond/63 The Project Director, URIDS, RRKB Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board BREB Training Academy Building (5 th floor) Nikunja-2, Khilkhet Dhaka-1229 Sub: Authorization to collect Bid Security No. GC2700717000217 for USD. 220,000.00 & No.GC1900317000050 for USD.50,000.00 against Bid Package No. URIDS(W)-G-02, Lot nos. URIDS(W)-G-02-02 & URIDS(W)-G-02-03, under ADB Loan, Closed on February 19, 2017. Dear Sir Reference to the above, we on behalf of our foreign principal Hangzhou Cable Co. Ltd., China and  Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co. Ltd., China have participated in the subject tenders. So you are requested to kindly release our subject Bid Securities  for this we already submitted our prayer earlier to you. Therefore, please make delivery of all above Bid Securities to Nabi Hossain, Executive Accounts of our company. The specimen signature of Nabi Hossain have duly attached herewith for...

Commission Agreement

No.NOWCCL/ATT/02 This agreement is made on July 20, 2010 between: Party-A: Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co., Ltd., having its principal office: 21-22F., No. 1. Building, Lane-999, Yangfan Road, Ningbo National Hi & New-Tech Industry Development Zone, Ningbo, China-315040. Tel: 0086-574-81688324, Fax: 0086-574-86188322 E-mail: Party B: Seven Power Associated Ltd., having its principal address: 3/4-A, Purana Paltan, Sabbir Tower (6th floor), Dhaka-1000. Bangladesh. Office telephone Phone: 0088 02 9551756, M. Phone No.:0088 1819150762. Fax: 0088 02 9551861, Email: Contact Person: Md. F. Ansari. Chairman & CE, Concerning the project: Procurement of Conductor Package 3 for Central Zone Power Distribution Project, Mymensingh, BPDB under ODA Loan No. BD-P 59 dated Mar.1,2009 from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Both parties agreed on following points: 1. As party B is agent of party A, party B has part...

Cancellation of original Bank Guarantee (SWIFT advice) #GC2700716001855 for USD.200,000.00, #GC2700716001856 for USD. 200,000.00 And #GC2700716001857 for USD.200,000.00, all dated 19.09.2016 .

Date: April 13, 2017 Ref: ATT/EBL-03/17 To The Manager Trade Operation Dept. Eastern Bank Ltd. 10, Dilkusha C/A Jiban Bima Bhaban Dhaka-1000. Attn: Ms. Nasrin Masuma           Senior Manager, Trade Operations Sub: Cancellation of original Bank Guarantee (SWIFT advice) #GC2700716001855 for              USD.200,000.00, #GC2700716001856 for USD. 200,000.00 And #GC2700716001857           for USD.200,000.00, all dated 19.09.2016 . Dear Madam Please be informed that we received subject mentioned 3(three) Bank Guarantee from Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB), of which was submitted on behalf of Hangzhou Cable Company Ltd., China along with their Bid, also has been issued by your Bank on request of Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch. Kindly cancel this Bank Guarantee & re-adjust the same with ...

Authorization to collect Bid Bond 2

Date: January 30, 2017 Ref: ATT/EBL/Bid Bond/17-17 The Manager Eastern Bank Ltd. Trade Services Division Jiban Bima Bhaban (1 st floor) 10, Dilkusha C/A Dhaka-1000 Kind attn: Ms. Nasrin Masuma , Senior Manager, Trade Operations Sub: Authorization to collect Bid Bond. Dear Madam Reference to the above, we have come to know that following Bid Bond is ready to handover us:- 1.        Total 4(four) Bid Bonds SWIFT copy in favor of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) from Bank of China, Zheziang Branch. A/C: Hangzhou Cable Company Ltd. China. 2.        One Bid Bond to be issued as guarantee format in favor of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) for USD. 600000 from Bank of China, Zheziang Branch. A/C: Hangzhou Cable Co. Ltd, China. 3.        Total 2(Two) Bid Bonds SWIFT copy in favor of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) ...