Date: July 19, 2010
Ref: SPAL/NOG/BG-04/10
Manager (Trade Service)
Standard Chartered Bank
67, Gulshan Avenue ,
Sub: Collection of Bank Guarantee for USD. 0000,000 (US. Dollar three hundred thousand)
only in favor of Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB),
(A/C. Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co. Ltd. China .)
Dear Sir,
Reference to the above, we have come to know that the subject mentioned Bank Guarantee has received by you. We are pleased to inform you that we Seven Power Associates Ltd., is the authorized local agent of Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co. Ltd., China to submit their offer & Bid Bond to the Bangladesh Power Development Board on July 20, 2010, before 11.00 AM.
As urgency, kindly give delivery of above Bank Guarantee to us & we undertake to have any responsibility to hand over the above Bank Guarantee to the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) within their stipulated time of tender document.
Your kind co-operation in this regard shall be highly appreciated.
Thanking you, we remain.
Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of
Seven Power Associates Ltd.,
Md. F. Ansari.
Encl: As noted above.
CC to : Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Ltd.,